In celebrating Aniridia Day on June 21, 2021, Vision For Tomorrow focused on big and small wins by those in our aniridic community. Throughout the day on Instagram, we recognized academic, athletic, and artistic milestones achieved by several adults and children. If you were unable to check out Instagram, read these stories of perseverance and hard work below.
Sew Good This sewing project was brought home by my daughter Eleanor one day from school. She came out to the car and said “MOM! I SEWED THIS ALL BY MYSELF!” Fine motor skills can be hard for a five-year old with Aniridia, but that day Eleanor conquered what had been a big obstacle for her. It gave her the confidence to try something new the next day.

Graduate School June always marks graduation – celebrations of hard work. For someone living with a condition like aniridia, the path to a diploma often includes additional obstacles, but that also makes the graduation walk a little bit sweeter.

Football Fun! Are you ready for some football? Light sensitivity and low vision can make it difficult to play sports outside, but that doesn’t stop this guy. Shaded helmet and hard work for the win!

What’s that noise? Adaptive sports are a great way for everyone to experience the joy and camaraderie of team sports. Hockey pucks with a noise maker help this guy enjoy and keep up with the fast-paced action.
Finding Your Way Due to COVID, Nadia hasn’t been able to receive her low vision services. Does that phase her? NOT AT ALL. She has figured out how to get around the park all on her own.