What is Aniridia?
Aniridia is a genetic condition and eye disorder that affects people at birth and refers to the absence of the iris.
Aniridia At-A-Glance (one-page fact sheet)
Learn More About Aniridia
Aniridia FAQs
Aniridia Genetics & Impact on Vision
Newly Diagnosed?
If you are reading this section of our website, you may be the parent of a child who is newly diagnosed with aniridia. Congratulations on the birth of your wonderful child! Although your journey as a parent will be different from what you expected, rest assured your journey will be equally as joyful and wondrous.

Get Support Navigating Aniridia
Whether you are a new parent of a child with aniridia or have aniridia yourself and need to get some answers or just relate to someone, we are here for you.
Resources for Parents and Guardians
We provide free resources to support parents/guardians of children with aniridia, to include information on creating an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Our Partners
Learn more about the International WAGR Syndrome Association, Aniridia North America, and more, by visiting our Partners page.